SADD, Students Against Destructive Decisions, formerly Students Against Drunk Driving, is a non-profit, national organization with a chapter in Jim Thorpe. The organization’s priority is the health and wellness of students, and it aims to maintain this through students advocating positive decision making to other students. Running an organization like this requires positions of leadership. Recently, Jim Thorpe’s chapter elected its president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, and historian.
As seen in democratic governments and other bodies which elect a person to the position of president, this elected official is the foremost leader of a given body or group. To fulfill the duties of the SADD’s president, Jim Thorpe’s members elected junior Bowden Ross Chicarelli. Bowden is a member of the Cross Country team and Track & Field. Other roles of leadership to which Bowden was elected include Class of 2025 Historian and Student Council Vice President.
His future plans are to earn a Masters Degree in Aerospace Engineering, attending a United States Service Academy. Bowden joined SADD to make a difference amongst the student body, specifically in regards to the habits of vaping and vandalism. He hopes that his part in advocating positive decision making will change JTAHS for the better.
The vice president is the president’s second in command, the individual who assists the president in his or her duties and helps manage communication with the other officers. Voted to this position by the SADD club is junior James O’Neill. James enjoys lifting and pole vaulting. His reason for initially joining SADD is his desire to help others better themselves, for themselves. He wants to steer those around him away from destructive decisions.
A secretary is a crucial element to a well-functioning leading group because secretaries organize and manage events, plans, ideas, attendance, along with other responsibilities. To this position, the JTAHS SADD Club of 23-24 elected senior Cassidy Pychinka. Cassidy is a determined, goal-oriented individual. She enjoys working on photography, spending time with her siblings, and reading.
Shortly after her initial joining two years ago, Cassidy realized she loved the group involved with and the purpose of SADD. Due to her positive experience being an officer of FBLA and desire to help those around her, Cassidy was eager to run for the position of secretary.
She is very grateful for the position to which she was elected and is eager to see what the club holds in store this year.
It is a consistent theme in life that money is a requirement to bring plans to fruition. This is why the role of a treasurer, a person to manage and make suggestions regarding money and frundraising, is necessary for an organization which plans larger scale activities. That's why the newly elected treasurer is junior year Evan Rosenbrook. Evan enjoys listening to music and running. He is a member of the Cross Country team, Track & Field, and FBLA. In addition to his position as SADD treasurer, he is also the History Club Historian.
Evan joined SADD because he wants to prevent other students from making destructive decisions. He chose to run for the position of treasurer so that he could ensure SADD has sufficient funds to go on a trip to the zoo and make and distribute their informative packets.
The role of a historian is management of and documentation on social media. This job continuously becomes more pivotal to create awareness and access people, as society becomes more social media oriented. The Jim Thorpe chapter of SADD’s newly elected historian is junior Kalla Miller. Kalla enjoys baking, listening to music, traveling, dancing, and working out. Once she saw SADD was becoming an organization again in Jim Thorpe, Kalla was eager to become an active participant because SADD’s goal is very meaningful to her. Having gone through first hand experience with seeing the effects destructive decisions have on people, helping prevent others from making these choices is a passion of hers. Kalla chose to run for historian because in the modern day, social media is the easiest and most efficient way to access others, specifically those of the JTAHS student body’s age group. Another attribute of hers that makes her well-suited for the position is her enjoyment of graphic design and photography. Lastly, Kalla is over the moon with happiness to have been elected to her position and is extremely eager to make the best of this opportunity.
Conclusively, Jim Thorpe Area High School’s Students Against Destructive Decisions officer team of 2023-24 include President Bowden Ross Chicarelli, Vice President James O’Neill, Secretary Cassidy Pychinka, Treasurer Evan Rosenbrook, and Historian Kalla Miller. If you get the chance, make sure to congratulate the officers and attend SADD meetings!
-Gabriella Cerra, School News Writer